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  1. Replies

    v200 Paypal error 10536

    PHP 8.1
    ZC 2.0

    I received two emails yesterday about paypal direct payment error. The first one was the normal 15005, for when the customer enters something wrong. The second one was 10536 for a...
  2. v200 Shipstation no longer working after upgrading to 2.0

    PHP 8.1

    I just upgraded to 2.0, and got all the little bugs worked out so far, but shipstation is not importing orders, and I am getting this error:

    Any help would...
  3. v200 Re: Best sellers, and featured products not displaying on main page

    That was it. Ran the 2.0 sql, and it fixed that issue.
  4. v200 Best sellers, and featured products not displaying on main page

    ZC 2.0
    PHP 8.1
    Using Bootstrap template

    I just installed 2.0 in a separate directory, merged my previous database with the new one, and am in the process of making sure...
  5. v158 Re: Paypal payments pro fatal error in zcAjaxPayment.php

    Thank you. That fixed it, but now I have a whole bunch of Undefined array key warnings now, triggered by includes/modules/payment/paypaldp.php
  6. v158 Re: Paypal payments pro fatal error in zcAjaxPayment.php

    I was able to find a way of forcing the site back to php 7.4, but I would really like to get the files fixed, so that if I get forced into a newer php again, I won't lose functionality.
  7. v158 Paypal payments pro fatal error in zcAjaxPayment.php
    PHP 8.0
    I have not gotten a single order in several days, and had a customer call me to let me know that they can't pay. I verified that after entering the credit card...
  8. v158 Re: shipstation plugin no longer works with 1.5.8

    So far, no issues at all with the latest one. Thank you very much for the help.
  9. v158 Re: shipstation plugin no longer works with 1.5.8

    Getting closer
  10. v158 Re: shipstation plugin no longer works with 1.5.8

    That one is setting a whole bunch of errors.
  11. v158 Re: shipstation plugin no longer works with 1.5.8

    That modification results in nothing new in the logs folder, but shipstation setting a 500 internal server error.
  12. v158 shipstation plugin no longer works with 1.5.8
    php 8.0

    I upgraded to 1.5.8 last week, and after fixing the last error I had, I now have a new one from shipstation. I uploaded the newest version of shipstation_zc.php, 1.8,...
  13. v158 Re: PHP Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array

    Thank you. I added a page in the past for warranty information, and included a link to it. I did rename the files to lang.warranty_information.php but was unaware of the new format. I modified the...
  14. v158 PHP Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array

    [Note: remember to include site URL, ZC version, list of plugins, PHP version, etc ... read the Posting Tips shown above for information to include in your post here.
    And, remove this comment...
  15. v157 Re: Customers can no longer create an account

    Thanks. I will contact Numinix, and see what they say. I really like this v3 of Google's Recaptcha, because it runs in the background, with nothing required on the user end. I get virtually no spam...
  16. v157 Re: Customers can no longer create an account

    The first 1.5.7, and it was working before I installed the recaptcha.

    Is there an easy way to force the page to set an error, or is removing the module the best way of troubleshooting it?
  17. v157 Customers can no longer create an account
    ZC 1.5.7
    PHP 7.4

    I have had 2 customers inform me recently that they cannot create an account. I had them checkout with Paypal express checkout. I checked functionality of the...
  18. v157 Re: Google Recaptcha v3 deprecated constructor

    Thank you. That seems to have worked. Hopefully the spam from the contact form stops now.
  19. v157 Google Recaptcha v3 deprecated constructor

    ZC 1.5.7 PHP 7.4
    I just got done installing Numinix's Google recaptcha v3, and it seems to be working fine, but my log folder is filling up fast with this error:

    Here is the entire code from...
  20. Replies

    v157 Re: Email overlength date field

    Apparently Bluehost updated my php on Feb 24th, because I just checked the log folder, and it has had usually 4-6 errors per week, due to robots doing something really odd with the search, but...
  21. Replies

    v157 Re: Email overlength date field

    Thank you. That seems to have fixed it. Any clue what may have caused this? It was working last week, and all of a sudden the emails started being rejected. Was it the php being set to 8.0?
  22. Replies

    v157 Re: Email overlength date field

    No clue what that url should be at all.

    Admin > Configuration > E-mail Options > SMTP Email Mail Host:
    Admin > Configuration > E-mail Options > E-Mail Transport Method: PHP...
  23. Replies

    v157 Email overlength date field

    Zencart 1.5.7
    PHP 8.0

    All of my emails are getting rejected, this is the message:

    I have not changed anything myself, by my host might have changed my php on me, because the last I looked,...
  24. v157 Re: shipstation no longer importing orders after upgrade.

    When I originally tried post #12, it didn't work, but I accidentally messed it up. If you add those exact 2 lines to the end of the lines that look like that, it will work again.
  25. v157 Re: Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in shopping car

    Thank you for the fix. My logs folder has been empty for almost 48 hours now.
    I banned the ip address that was spamming my site that day, because it looked at almost 2,000 pages in 10 minutes,...
  26. v157 Re: Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in shopping car

    I just had a bot from russia go through my website, and spam me with product inquiry emails, but they also set over 3500 errors in the log folder. The most common one was the same as the first post...
  27. v157 Re: shipstation no longer importing orders after upgrade.

    My workaround was to change line 104 in shipstation_zc.php from this:

    return strftime(DATE_TIME_FORMAT, mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year))
    To this:

  28. v157 Re: shipstation no longer importing orders after upgrade.

    He just got back with me. It's an issue within Zen-cart in the order_date field. Instead of a date, it shows DATE_TIME_FORMAT

  29. v157 Re: shipstation no longer importing orders after upgrade.

    So I chatted with Shipstation, and they can see the orders, but for some reason the orders don't show up on my screen. He couldn't figure it out, so he is having someone else look into it, and email...
  30. v157 Re: shipstation no longer importing orders after upgrade.

    I entered this date range: , and I got all the orders on the screen from that date range. Looks like it's time to call shipstation, but they claim that they won't even respond for at least 72 hours.
  31. v157 Re: shipstation no longer importing orders after upgrade.

    No, just letters, and numbers. I have tried it on the test website too, and it doesn't work there either. When I look at the logs in shipstation, it states: Manual order refresh completed

    I tried...
  32. v157 Re: shipstation no longer importing orders after upgrade.


    Shipstation_zc.php version 1.5, downloaded straight from the shipstation website. All I have done is the 1.5.6 tweak here:...
  33. v157 Re: shipstation no longer importing orders after upgrade.

    Yes, the export of orders to shipstation is not working.
    Yes, nothing in the logs directory.
  34. v157 shipstation no longer importing orders after upgrade.

    Zencart 1.5.7, PHP 7.3
    I recently finished upgrading to 1.5.7, and shipstation will no longer import the orders. I applied the update found here:...
  35. Replies

    v156 Re: php warning with sessions

    [QUOTE=mc12345678;1364252]Got me, it's not a part of the base install and not anything normal...

    If you don't know what it is, then it probably shouldn't exist and would suggest review of the...
  36. Replies

    v156 Re: php warning with sessions

    What is the purpose of admin/includes/init_includes/.1f7be16b.ico(2)? I's one of the files that headers were already sent by.
  37. Replies

    v156 Re: php warning with sessions

    1.5.6c Downloaded about 2 weeks ago.

    If it is something before, or after the php tags, how would I go about tracking that down?
  38. Replies

    v156 php warning with sessions

    I recently upgraded to zc 1.5.6, php 7.0.33
    I have slowly been getting rid of errors in the log folder, and I have had warnings set by sessions a few times now. I cleared out the log folder this...
  39. v156 Re: linking index.php?main_page=about_us to page 3

    Thank you Melanie. How would I go about adding a link to the about_us page in the information box? That's part of the reason why I was just going to add it to page_3, so that it would have a link to...
  40. v156 Re: linking index.php?main_page=about_us to page 3

    Here's the error:

    I was planning to make page 3 the about us page.
  41. v156 linking index.php?main_page=about_us to page 3
    zencart 1.5.6
    PHP 7.0.33

    I was running the Tableau template with 1.5.4, and it has a built in about us page, which I am in the process of setting up on page 3 instead. The bots...
  42. v156 Re: PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required ''

    I gave up on other templates, and went live with responsive classic. I will experiment a little with my spare time, to try to figure it out.
  43. v156 Re: PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required ''

    Numinix claims that this template works with 1.5.6, and I get the same error with the Westminster New template.
  44. v156 PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required ''
    php 7.0.33
    Tableau2 template

    I was running 1.5.4, and my host recently changed php on me, and they are only allowing me to use php 7.0, 7.2, and 7.3, so I am having to...
  45. Replies

    v154 Re: Can't browse products nonce logged in.

    I don't know which setting fixed it, but it's fixed. I set all of the settings in configure/sessions to the same as the new install with the sample products, and it is now working. I changed several...
  46. Replies

    v154 Re: Can't browse products nonce logged in.

    It appears to be something in the database. I just installed a fresh version of 1.5.6a, and switched to php 7.2 with an exact copy of my main database, and it's doing the same thing. With the sample...
  47. Replies

    v154 Can't browse products nonce logged in.
    php 5.6
    Modified Tablaeu template

    I just had a regular customer contact me yesterday, informing me that he can't purchase anything. If he clicks on any product, he goes right...
  48. Replies

    v150 Re: Support Thread for Google reCAPTCHA

    I got it figured out. There is a problem with the files in the Tablaeu template. I replaced those, changed the should_be empty, and now this addon works just fine.
  49. Replies

    v151 Re: Tableau Responsive Theme - Support Thread

    I am using 1.5.4, with an older version of Tableau, and I started getting spam lately. I tried the Google Captcha 2 addon, I tried numinix's math captcha, and neither worked. I posted for help in...
  50. v154 Re: spam from contact us form, none if the fixes work.

    I finally put a stop to the spam. I installed the default files, tpl_contact_us_default.php, and header_php.php from a fresh download of 1.5.4, changed the "should_be empty" on all of the files it...
Results 1 to 50 of 267
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Zen-Cart, Internet Selling Services, Klamath Falls, OR